
Zagreb Cathedral 1926 vs. 2018

© Kurt Hielscher
HRV Zagrebačka Katedrala

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Casper_Molenaar published on 05/06/2019 2:29 p.m.:

The entrance of the Cathedral of Zagreb the capital of Croatia was photographed by Kurt Hielscher in 1926 and on the 27th of December 2018 by me. The photo is publsihed on page 20 of Kurt Hielscher's 1926 Yugoslavia photobook.

More of Kurt Hielscher's work and mine you'll find here: https://www.facebook.com/inthefootstepsofKurtHielscher (also from Germany, the countries of the former Yugoslavia, Austria and Romania) and on my Yugoslaviapage www.facebook.com/Yugoslavia1926PresentInthefootstepsofKurtHielscher/


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