
Place St.-André-des-Arts

St. André des Arts Square

© Frédéric Gadmer
FRA near Paris

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nwolpert published on 02/21/2019 10:40 p.m.:

St.-André-des-Arts Square is located in the 6th arrondissement near the St. Michel square. It was built around 1800, after the eponymous church, which once occupied the square, was sold during the French Revolution and subsequently demolished.

At that time there were still a haberdashery, a shoe-soled craftsman and a wine merchant; today replaced by souvenir shops and restaurants. Very typical were the big colorful posters on the house walls.

Image rights:
Musée Albert-Kahn/Département des Hauts-de-Seine, Collection Archives de la Planète, n° d’inventaire: A 24 104 S


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