
Stare koryto Warty

Old Warta riverbed

© Deutsche Fotothek
POL near Poznań

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tomasz-hejna published on 09/19/2019 2:07 p.m.:

Park Stare Koryto Warty jest zlokalizowany w miejscu zasypanego w latach 60. XX w. koryta rzeki Warty na Chwaliszewie w Poznaniu.

The Old Warta River Park is located in the place of the Warta river bed buried in the 1960s in Chwaliszew in Poznań.


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oliver42 wrote on 09/20/2019 9:39 a.m. :

Tomasz, are you sure, that is the same location ? The pictures don't match at all !

Tomasz, are you sure, that is the same location ? The pictures don't match at all !

tomasz-hejna wrote on 09/20/2019 10:07 a.m. :

@oliver42, im sure. You're right, the horizon is lower in today's photo, but it's not important. Probably place where i stand is't exact the same plac where stand photographer 100 years ago, but in this is the same place generally. The old riverbed was filled in, the houses were destroyed during the war. The entire space has undergone a major transformation

@oliver42, im sure. You're right, the horizon is lower in today's photo, but it's not important. Probably place where i stand is't exact the same plac where stand photographer 100 years ago, but in this is the same place generally. The old riverbed was filled in, the houses were destroyed during the war. The entire space has undergone a major transformation

oliver42 wrote on 09/20/2019 10:09 a.m. (edited on 09/20/2019 10:10 a.m.) :



tomasz-hejna wrote on 09/20/2019 10:14 a.m. :

you mean zakłopotany :)

you mean embarrassed :)

oliver42 wrote on 09/20/2019 10:17 a.m. :

What I meant was "zdumiewający" ;-)

What I meant was "amazing" ;-)

Maciek wrote on 05/13/2020 6:19 p.m. :

Zdjęcia są świetne, jestem pełen podziwu. Trafiłem na jedno szczególne, bo dokładnie z mojego fyrtla - Chwaliszewa, pod adresem https://www.re.photos/en/compilation/4659/ Wiem, że obecnie bardzo trudno znaleźć jakiś wspólny element tego krajobrazu, więc kompilacja nie wyszła doskonale. Jest jednak jeden element, według którego można by dość dokładnie spasować oba zdjęcia. To niski murek z okienkami, który jest pozostałością piwnic nieistniejących kamienic. Jeśli przyjrzeć się dokładnie, to znajdzie go Pan na lewo od pnia drzewa w centrum zdjęcia.

The pictures are great, I am full of admiration. I came across one special, because exactly from my fyrtla - Chwaliszewo at https://www.re.photos/en/compilation/4659/ I know that it is very difficult to find any common element of this landscape at the moment, so the compilation did not go perfectly. There is one element, however, according to which both photos could be folded quite accurately. This is a low wall with windows, which is a remnant of the basements of non-existent tenement houses. If you look closely, you will find it to the left of the tree trunk in the center of the photo.

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