
Österreichisches Parlament

Austrian Parliament

© ONB/Wien + 292.990-C
AUT near Vienna

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nwolpert published on 07/16/2024 3:49 p.m.:

The Austrian Parliament seen from the Ringstrasse, around 1900 and today. The Parliament building is the seat of the Parliament, the National Council and the Federal Council. It was built between 1874 and 1883 according to a design by Theophil von Hansen, inspired by ancient Greek architecture.
There are numerous historical buildings in the historicist style on Vienna's Ringstrasse.

Source old photo:
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek / Lichtbildstelle
Signature: 292.990-C


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oliver42 wrote on 07/17/2024 7:32 a.m. :



Stefan_M wrote on 07/17/2024 8:37 p.m. :


Der Pallas-Athene-Brunnen ganz links im Bild noch ohne Statuen, auch die beiden Pferdestatuen zu Seiten der Auffahrtsrampe noch nicht aufgestellt.

"Das Parlamentsgebäude wurde von 1874 bis 1883 ... errichtet.
Der von Theophil von Hansen entworfene Pallas-Athene-Brunnen vor dem Parlament wurde erst 1898 bis 1902 erbaut, obwohl die Pläne schon seit 1870 bestanden."

"Dass Pallas Athene, die griechische Göttin der Weisheit, dem Parlamentsgebäude den Rücken zukehrt, führte im österreichischen Volksmund zu verschiedenen Witzen und Spottworten, wonach die Weisheit >>nicht<< im Parlament anzutreffen sei"


The Pallas Athene fountain on the far left of the picture still has no statues, and the two horse statues on either side of the access ramp have not yet been put up.

"The parliament building was built between 1874 and 1883...
The Pallas Athene fountain in front of the parliament, designed by Theophil von Hansen, was only built between 1898 and 1902, although the plans had existed since 1870."

Fun fact:
"The fact that Pallas Athene, the Greek goddess of wisdom, turns her back on the parliament building led to various jokes and mocking remarks in Austrian popular parlance, according to which wisdom is >>not<< to be found in parliament"

nwolpert wrote on 07/18/2024 8:12 a.m. :

Interessant, danke für die Infos! Die fehlenden Statuen waren mir auch schon aufgefallen.
Haha das ist gut, die Weisheit ist wohl in vielen Parlamenten nicht sehr präsent...

Interesting, thanks for the info! I had already noticed the missing statues.
Haha that's good, wisdom is probably not very present in many parliaments...

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