
Swimming pools, Niestachowska Street

POL near Poznań

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tomasz-hejna published on 02/17/2017 5:01 p.m.:

Pływalnia przy ulicy Niestachowskiej, jak widać, była miejscem relaksu dla okolicznych mieszkańców.

Ciekawostką jest, że baseny były zaopatrywane w ogrzewaną słońcem wodę z płynącej obok Bogdanki. Pływalnię zamknięto w roku 1979. Dziś pływają tam tylko ryby.

Swimmig pools on Niestachowska Street. Was a place of relaxation for local residents.

It is interesting that the pools were supplied with sun-heated water from flowing next Bogdanka. Swimming pool was closed in 1979. Today, there are swimming just fish.


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Lena wrote on 02/18/2017 7:57 a.m. (edited on 04/15/2019 3:50 p.m.) :

Would you mind translating the description to English? Looks interesting! :-)

Would you mind translating the description to English? Looks interesting! :-)

tomasz-hejna wrote on 02/18/2017 10:42 a.m. (edited on 04/15/2019 3:50 p.m.) :

@Lena, as you wish, but my English is not good :) Swimmig pools on Niestachowska Street. Was a place of relaxation for local residents. It is interesting that the pools were supplied with sun-heated water canal from flowing next Bogdanka. Swimming pool was closed in 1979. Today, there are swimming just fish. Look: http://www.re.photos/compilation/1149/

@Lena, as you wish, but my English is not good :) Swimmig pools on Niestachowska Street. Was a place of relaxation for local residents. It is interesting that the pools were supplied with sun-heated water canal from flowing next Bogdanka. Swimming pool was closed in 1979. Today, there are swimming just fish. Look: http://www.re.photos/compilation/1149/

Lena wrote on 02/18/2017 10:45 a.m. (edited on 04/15/2019 3:50 p.m.) :

Thanks! And your English is fine, much better than my polish ;-)

Thanks! And your English is fine, much better than my polish ;-)

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