
Kempen, Peterstraße

Kempen, Peter Street

© Wolters (Kempen)
DEU near Krefeld

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Projekt2018 published on 07/13/2018 8:03 a.m.:

Peterstraße mit Kirche St. Mariae Geburt im Hintergrund

Peter street with St. Mariae church. Birth in the background


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Projekt2018 wrote on 07/13/2018 8:09 a.m. (edited on 04/15/2019 3:56 p.m.) :

Das Nachher-Bild entstand im Rahmen eines Fotoprojekts des Kreisarchivs Viersen mit der Klasse 6b des Gymnasium Thomaeum, Kempen.
hier: Charlotte, Clara, David, Katharina, Kezia, Linus, Marie, Mirkan, Tim

The after-image was created as part of a photo project of the district archive Viersen with the class 6b of the Gymnasium Thomaeum, Kempen.
here: Charlotte, Clara, David, Katharina, Kezia, Linus, Marie, Mirkan, Tim

Nearby before-and-after pictures

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