

Unknown author
USA near Topeka

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rmcnabb40 published on 05/08/2019 5:02 p.m.:

AFH Courtside Evolution.1954-2018. ..............................................................


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rmcnabb40 wrote on 05/08/2019 5:03 p.m. :

Allen Field House Courtside Evolution 1954-2018

1954 Interior Allen Field House basketball court foundation , under construction .

2018, December,29 Basketball game, Kansas vs. E. Michigan , Tipoff ... Final score 87-63

65 years 1954-2019 the Allen Field House structure has remained the same, though the game style has changed , the basketball goal remains ten feet high.

Allen Field House Courtside Evolution 1954-2018

1954 Interior Allen Field House basketball court foundation , under construction .

2018, December,29 Basketball game, Kansas vs. E. Michigan , Tipoff ... Final score 87-63

65 years 1954-2019 the Allen Field House structure has remained the same, though the game style has changed , the basketball goal remains ten feet high.

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